Design 2 - Atlantian weapon

To start the year of 2013 we had the second term of design, which this time takes on Form, volume and space. It was a very hectic week with a lot of all night projects and I had a lot of fun! The results isn't yet satisfying for me so I have being trying to post render my pierces the best i can in my spare time. 
The first day was to design an Atlantian weapon. The process was quite complicated, started to designing a shield to end up designing a atlantian mech in the last minute. Personally I am not fond of the design. It looks like a cheap rip off of "War of the Worlds" but i liked the idea of a  crap walking teslacoil that also swims like an octopus underwater.After the week i got better at rendering so the retouch made a huge difference on the final product. I give you.... THE TESCRAPCOILIPUS